Red Hat Trusted Software Supply Chain

Trusted Software Supply Chain helps organizations build security into the components, processes, and practices in their software factory from the start.

Trusted Software Supply Chain full diagram illustration

Strengthen security in your software supply chain

Code, build, deploy, and monitor for software delivery that is compliant with your organization’s security practices. Reduce the risk of security threats using integrated guardrails in software development, and increase business resiliency while accelerating innovation on proven platforms.

The solution draws on Red Hat’s 30+ years of delivering high quality, reliable, and trustworthy open source software to our customers’ software supply chains and their enterprise applications. We help prevent threat actors from disrupting business operations and causing financial distress that limits revenue growth.

Red Hat Trusted Software Supply Chain overview. Video duration: 2:40

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Curate trusted content

Prevent and identify malicious code

Red Hat Trusted Profile Analyzer scans and analyzes software components to map dependencies and evaluate the impact radius of security threats in the codebase. Teams generate and manage software bills of materials (SBOM) and vulnerability exploitability exchanges (VEX) from this system of record. Index and query security documentation for actionable insights and recommendations, simplifying vulnerability management from the integrated development environment (IDE).

When your code is ready to submit, digitally sign and verify it with Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer. Auditable transparency logs from an immutable ledger ensure code has not been tampered with and increase the trustworthiness of artifacts across the software supply chain.

Code time illustration
Build time illustration

Meet pipeline compliance

Safeguard build systems

Onboard security workflows faster from a centralized, self-managed software catalog in Red Hat Developer Hub. Reduce cognitive load with validated templates and integrated safeguards that increase developer confidence and help teams comply with security practices.

Red Hat Trusted Application Pipeline customizes and automates build pipelines, helping teams adhere to signed attestations with detailed provenance. Deploy pipelines-as-code to a declarative state with release policies that block suspicious builds from production.

Enable security-focused continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows to ensure your packaged images meet Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) requirements and avoid penalties without slowing down releases.

Improve security posture

Continuous runtime monitoring

Securely store and share containerized software from a container registry platform in Red Hat Quay. Quay integrates into the build system with granular access controls, constantly scans images for vulnerabilities, and reports in real-time to minimize operational risk.

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security visualizes security and compliance across distributed teams from a common dashboard. High-fidelity threat analytics pinpoint issues to expedite incident response and improve security posture in the software development life cycle (SDLC). Accurately detect and act on emerging threats while reducing false positives, alert fatigue, and prolonged downtimes.

Runtime illustration
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Code, build, deploy, and monitor using a trusted software supply chain

Eliminating potential security issues early and throughout the software development life cycle helps build user trust, avoids potential revenue losses, and protects against reputational damage. Red Hat Trusted Software Supply Chain safeguards your software delivery to withstand cyberattacks while boosting development speed to keep pace with your customers’ requirements.

These self-managed, on-premise capabilities can be easily layered onto application platforms like Red Hat OpenShift®. Learn more about how Red Hat can help you mitigate and reduce risks in your software supply chain.

Cigna enhances security with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security & GitOps

Cigna fast-tracked the deployment of Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes to enhance their security posture in the wake of the Log4Shell discovery.

Featured resources

Trusted software supply chain solution summary

Accelerate application delivery with integrated security guardrails.

A practical guide to software supply chain security

Learn what you need to protect containerized applications according to technology analysts.

5 ways to boost software supply chain security

Learn what you can do to strengthen security while increasing the speed of innovation.

Maturity of software supply chain security practices 2024

Assess software supply chain security practices used by organizations worldwide.